The Mail Page

When Ken died and I became the caretaker for his website, my first thought was that I should remove the Comments link, because obviously you can't contact Ken anymore. But then I realized I should leave it up so you have a way to contact me in case you find a broken link or some other problem. So, this is the Contact Riin Gill Page.

What You Should Write About, What You Shouldn't

If you find a broken link, please tell me the URL of the page the link was on, what the link says, and approximately where in the page it is.

If you find any other problems, please let me know. Again, as much information as possible will help me correct the problem.

If you know of any copyright violations (someone using Ken's work on their own website), please let me know, and I will notify Ken's family.

If you just want to ask me what Ken meant by something he wrote, I may or may not be able to answer that. If it's a bicycle repair or maintenance question, I'm definitely not the person to ask. If it's about commuting or safety, I can probably help you. Other topics -- it may or may not be something I know a lot about or something I discussed with him. You can ask. Please note I have neither the interest, time, nor energy to get into a debate with anyone. I will answer sincere inquiries.

Ken added links to his site if they linked to his. I'm not going to add any more links to other sites. If you want to link to Ken's site, that's great, but the links to other sites on Ken's site are here because Ken put them there. So don't ask me if I'll add a link to your site. (But you can still tell me about your site. And I might put a link to it from my own website, Riin's Rants.)

Note: I probably won't have time to answer every message. If you're not actually asking me a question, I might not get back to you. Please don't be offended. I appreciate your comments. I will try to answer all questions.

Riin Gill

To leave without sending a message, close this window or exit this page.

Your Message Begins Here

What is your name?

What is your email address?

(Required field. I will not give anyone else your email address nor write to you other than to answer your message. The form won't actually work if you don't enter something in this field. If you don't want me to answer your message, feel free to enter "no answer" or some such.)

In which of the following regions do you live?

What part of Ken's site were you reading?
The Bike Pages.
The Walden/Thoreau section.
The Writing Section.
The New World.
The Home Pages.
More than one section.

What page or topic do you wish to discuss? (Please enter URL if applicable.)

What is your reason for writing?
I found a broken link.
I found some other problem.
I want to report a copyright violation.
I wanted to comment.
I have some other reason for writing.

What did you want to say? (Press "Enter" to get text to wrap.)

NOTE: You must press the following button for me to get your message!

To erase your responses above and restart, press

To leave without sending, close this window or exit this page.

SECTIONS: | Home | Bike Pages | Thoreau | Writing | The New World |
ARTICLES: | Whatznew? | Copyright |Who Am I? | Purpose | Programs | | Copyright © 2004 Riin Gill (this page only) | January 5, 2004